Well diognessister:- you raise a great point about literature. Speaking for myself I wish my 12 year old son would enjoy reading books..in the last month i have read " Robinson Crusoe, Capture on the Rye, Animal Farm etc " And for me personally I have learnt so much about the humun condition from reading these books.
My son has replied to my encouraging him to read books " Books are boring". And whilst he is so wrong, I am sure he will have a highly successful life in the modern world. My only dissapointment is that I think what my son is learning on the computer misses the humun condition I learn from reading books.
But then again the humun condition shouldn't be found in books, it should be found with how we interact with people. And the way my son has developed with modern technology is far from sub-humun. He is kind, loving, knows his identity and we love each other.